Dec. 4, 2021

Pop Culture Retrospective #44 - Oprah Winfrey : The backstory behind one of the most successful women in our lifetime!

Pop Culture Retrospective #44 - Oprah Winfrey : The backstory behind one of the most successful women in our lifetime!

Thank you for tuning in to this week's episode of the Pop Culture Retrospective Podcast!  On today's show you will learn about the backstory behind Oprah Winfrey, one of the most successful media moguls of all time.  You'll hear about her early days, surviving a traumatic childhood and how she became the woman and leader that we know and love her for.  You'll also hear a bit about her show and what she has been up to since the Oprah Winfrey show came to an end in 2011, leaving us with a void that will never be matched!  

On the show I mentioned an episode of the 'Fresh Prince of Bel-Air' where Carlton does a hilarious dance to the Oprah theme song, check it out here:

Please note that today's show deals with some content that will not be appropriate for younger audiences.  

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Instagram:  popcultureretrospective